"Silver Express" Senior Food Bank
The “Silver Express” senior food bank began in 2012 and delivers food to residents of Trinity House (senior low income housing) every 3rd Thursday of the month.
Our mission is to provide healthy food specifically to seniors/disabled people in need of assistance with groceries. Our purpose is to provide and serve people often overlooked in other programs. The “Silver Express” senior food bank began in 2012 delivering groceries to residents of Trinity House (75 apartments for senior and disabled low income housing). We collect non-perishables in the food bank closet and purchase eggs, other fresh and frozen food with money that is donated. Members of our Outreach Team break down bulk foods into single serve portions. All is delivered (with the canned food), set it out nicely on tables and the Trinity House residents “shop” for free. The shelves are cleared and the donations are delivered monthly to ensure quality.